Happy Birthday to us! This year, Ramshackled Treasures celebrated it's 10th Anniversary! To thank our wonderful customers we gave away a Room Redo to one lucky winner!
Our winner was Samantha Paulinski, a young mother and wife from St. Michael, MN. After the Redo was complete, Samantha interviewed with us about her experience.
How long have you lived in your current town home?
Samantha: We moved into this little town home May of 2013! Then shortly after in November we had our son, Rylan. This place is far too tiny and I feel like we are in a shoe box but this is the house we brought Rylan home to, so it just sort of feels like home!
When you won the Room Reno, how did you feel? What was the first thought that crossed your mind?
Samantha: I actually brought my mother-in-law to the shop when they were entering names for the drawing, and she entered my name while I was there. I had no idea what the drawing was even for!
Before Stacey came in and "worked her magic,” what did you dislike/wish you could change about your bedroom?
Samantha: As the toy quantities climbed to an all time high, we traded rooms with our son, since there isn't a play area in the house. So we had his old nursery which had this terrible green wall. It just wasn't a cozy space to wind down. Our room just never felt important to redo because there was always something else that could be done. So it was nice to have a grown up space to go to at the end of the day!
Were you nervous handing the reins over to someone else to decorate your home?
Were you nervous handing the reins over to someone else to decorate your home?
Samantha: Stacey talked to me a lot about my style, she was very patient while we looked for furniture pieces. I want to thank everyone at the RT family for the great room redo! I love everything about the room. Thanks!
Could you tell me where the bedspread is from?